Kangees Update

Kangees are trouble makers. They need to be scolded frequently. There are two kangees, a boy and a girl. They push C over. They do everything he is not supposed to do. Their form is evolving–sometimes they are little kids, sometimes they are monsters. Their name is still called frequently when C is upset or frustrated, but they also are becoming more of a regular imaginary friend. 

What’s a Kangee?

When C gets upset or is tired, he often starts speaking in nonsense. He does this to be silly too, but we’ve noticed a definite pattern with stress resulting in silly talk. The word he says most often is “kangees.” I’m not sure how to spell it, obviously!

The other day after breakfast we were all still sitting around the table and C started talking about kangees. I asked him, “What do kangees look like?” He didn’t answer at first, but once I offered a few ideas for descriptors of a kangee   he answered, “It’s slimy.” The full description I got was that kangees are slimy, slippery, and purple. I drew a little unhappy slug and said, “Does this look like a kangee?” That was rejected and he told me it looks like a snowman–a slimy, slippery, purple snowman, I guess. So, I redrew it and C was more pleased with the result.

I wonder if the kangees will always keep the same form?